Spintronics with Chiral Helimagnetic Insulators

Exploring spin transport properties in noncollinear magnetic materials


Welcome to the Emmy Noether research group of Dr. Aisha Aqeel at Experimental Physics IV, University of Augsburg.

Address Icon Office: 339 (S), Lab: 226(R), Universitätsstraße 1 (Physik Süd), 86159 Augsburg, Germany
Phone Icon +49 (0) 821 / 598 - 3117
Aisha Aqeel


March 2024: Featured by German Physical Society AKC

Featured in Physikerin der Woche 2024.

January 2024: Publication in Nature Materials

Our joint paper on Task-adaptive physical reservoir computing led by Hidekazu Kurebayashi from UCL is published in Nature Materials.

Congratulations, especially to Oscar Lee!


The Graduate Get-Togethers (GGT) at University of Augsburg
Invited talk: Spin-waves in chiral magnets
Emmy Noether Meeting 2024 in Potsdam
Co-lead Physics workshop
SPICE Workshop:
SPICE Workshop on Spin textures: Magnetism meets Plasmonics, Ingelheim
Invited talk: Magnetization dynamics of skyrmion Lattice in a chiral magnet
International Conference on Skyrmionics 2024, Kloster Seeon
Invited talk
Jan 2025
WE-Heraeus-Seminar: X-tronics with Emerging Magnetic Materials
Physikzentrum, Bad Honnef, Germany

List of past events can be found here.

Our Projects

Our group is engaged in several cutting-edge research projects aimed at understanding and utilizing helimagnetic insulators for advanced spintronic applications. Key projects include:

Our Team

Aisha Aqeel

Dr. Aisha Aqeel - Group Leader. Email: aisha.aqeel@uni-a.de

Sina Mehboodi

Sina Mehboodi - PhD Researcher (co-supervision, affiliated with TU Munich).

Liuqing Yang

Liuqing Yang - Master student (co-supervision, affiliated with TU Munich).

Selected Publications

Task-adaptive physical reservoir computing, Nature Materials, 23, 79–87 (2024). [Co-authored by A. Aqeel]

Hybrid magnetization dynamics in Cu2OSeO3/NiFe heterostructures, Appl. Phys. Lett., 122, 012401 (2023). [Co-authored by A. Aqeel]

A complete list of publications is available on here.

Contact Us

For more information, research visits or collaboration inquiries, please reach out to us:

Email: aisha.aqeel@uni-a.de or visit our Experimental Physics IV

LinkedIn: Aisha Aqeel

Address: Universitätsstraße 1 (Physik Süd), 86159 Augsburg, Germany